C,C++, Data Structures Course in Kothrud Pune

Archer Infotech’s C, C++, Data Structures course at Kothrud, Pune provides comprehensive introductory programming skills under guidance of expert trainers. It will help to strengthen your foundation skill for programming .


Course Duration :
80 Hrs.
Training Options :
Classroom / Online

Power BI Training Course in Pune Overview

C Programming:

C programming is a procedural programming language initially developed by Dennis Ritchie in the year 1972 at Bell Laboratories of AT&T Labs, New Jersey, USA. It was mainly developed as a system programming language to write the UNIX operating system The main features of the C language

include, It is General Purpose middle level and Portable programming language, C has direct Access to memory and hardware, It is Fast, and Clean in terms Syntax. Because of these features of the C language, it is suitable for system programming like an operating system or compiler development.

Why Should We Learn C Programming?

It acts as a basis for many later languages that have borrowed syntax/features directly or indirectly from the C language. Like syntax of c#, Java, PHP, JavaScript, go and many other languages are mainly based on the C language. C++ is nearly a superset of C language (Only a few programs may

compile in C, but not in C++). So, if any student learns C programming first, it will help him to learn any modern technology as well. As learning C help to understand the fundamentals of programming and a lot of the underlying architecture of the operating system. Like pointers, working with memory locations, etc.

C programming language has the following importance:

 C is a fundamental and robust language and has a rich set of basic and derived data types, operators, and built-in functions which can be used to write any complex program.

 Program written in C is efficient due to the availability of several data types, operators, and built-in functions.

 C is well suited for writing both system software and application software because C has the capabilities of an assembly language (low-level features) with the feature of a high-level language.

 C is a portable language i.e. code written in one machine can be moved to another having the same configuration which is a very important and powerful feature.

 C supports low-level language features like bit-level programming and direct access to memory and hardware using a pointer which is very useful for managing resources efficiently and in a faster way.

 C has high-level language constructs and it is simple to learn and more user-friendly as its syntax approaches English-like language.


C++ Programming:

C++ is an object-oriented programming language that began as a superset of C Programming language. The C++ Programming language was first invented by Bjarne Stroustrup and was initially called “C with Class” because Stroustrup took the concept of class from Simula 67 and added it to the C programming language. C++ is a general-purpose, Compiled, case-sensitive, statically typed, free-form programming language that supports Object-Oriented and generic programming. C++ fully supports four pillars of object-oriented development: Encapsulation, Data hiding, Inheritance, and


Why Use C++?

 C++ is one of the world's most popular Object-oriented programming languages.

 C++ can be found in most operating systems, GUIs, and embedded systems.

 C++ is an object-oriented programming language that supports POP that gives a clear structure to programs and allows code to be written easily, and reused, lowering development costs.

 C++ code is quite portable and can be used to develop applications that can be adapted to multiple platforms.

 C++ is easy to understand and easy to learn!

 As C++ is close to C, C#, Java, and most of the OOP-supported languages, it makes it easy for programmers to switch to C++ or vice versa.


Data Structures & Algorithm:

an algorithm is nothing but a mention or a sequence of steps to solve an assigned problem. They are essentially a solution. Programming is all about data structures and algorithms and the implementation of that algorithms. Data structures are used to hold data generated while algorithms are used to solve the problem using that operating on data. Data structures and algorithms (DSA) give solutions to standard problems in detail and give you an

idea of how efficient it is to use each one of them according to different circumstances. It also gives an idea of the science of evaluating the efficiency of an algorithm. This enables you to choose the best among the available options. 

Need Of Data structure:

The structure of the data and the selection of the algorithm are relative to each other. Data presentation must be easy to understand so the programmer, as well as the end user, can make an easy and efficient implementation of the entire operation. Data structures provide easy and different ways of managing, organizing, retrieving, and storing data.


The list of the needs for data is mentioned below

  •  Data structure modification is easy.
  •  It requires less time.
  •  Save storage memory space.
  •  Data representation is easy.
  •  Easy access to the large database


Course Curriculum

  • Basics of Computer and programming: computer fundamentals, programming language means, history of programming languages, different programming languages in the market, and their application. Different types of languages and different coding approaches, Introduction to language processor and IDE, C program Execution, Importance of C Programming, C programming extracts

    C Programming Fundamentals: how to learn C, welcome program, Character set, the concept of ASCII, Constant, keyword and Variable, C data types and concept of range, different types of instructions, Declaration of variable, simple data input-output using printf() and scanf(), escape sequence characters 

    Operators in C:  Introduction to different operators in c, Assignment operators, unary operators, Arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators, conditional operators, bitwise operators, special operators

    Control Statements: Conditional control statements, decision control statements: if(), if() else, Nesting, ladder, Loops for()  While() do while(), and switch case, Unconditional control statement: goto, break, continue and return

    Array in C: Introduction to the array, need of array, declaration, and initialization of an array, using single dimension array, searching and sorting techniques, using a two-dimensional array, some matrix operations,

    Pointer in C: need of pointer, Declaration of the pointer, a pointer to a simple type, a pointer to 1D Array, pointer arithmetic, dynamic memory allocation using malloc(), realloc(), calloc(),  and memory release using free(), pointer to pointer, Array of the pointer, block pointer, a pointer to a function, different types of pointer

    Function in C: Need of function, declaration of a function, the concept of a library, package and module, different types of function, User-defined Functions: simple function, function with and without arguments, function with and without returning type, recursion, passing and returning the different variable of built-in types and array, passing and returning the pointer, a pointer to a function, Built-in Functions: some library functions from Math.h, Stdlib.h, Complex.h, dos.h etc, Storage class: auto, static, register, extern

    Structure in C: Need of structure, Declaration of structure, the variable of structure, Array of Structure variables, Pointer to structure variables, Dynamic memory allocation for structure, passing and returning the structure variable, passing and returning the structure pointer, variable of built-in types as a member of a structure, an array as a member of a structure, pointer variable as a member of a structure, self-referable structure

    File handling in C: concept of file and database, need, Introduction to FILE structure, opening and closing the file, different modes of an opening file, read/write operation in a file, different file operations

    Graphics in C: concept of file and database, need, Introduction to FILE structure, opening and closing the file, different modes of the opening file, read/write operation in the file, different file operations

Introduction to OOP and C++ Programming: Different programming Approaches and  importance of object-oriented programming, characteristics of POP and OOP, Basic Concepts in oop – Class object, data hiding, encapsulation, Abstraction, Application Areas Of OOP

Basics of C++ Programming: Skeleton of C++ program, IO using cin>> and cout<<, the concept of tokens, C++ data types, Operators in C++, operator precedence, Control statements review, which and how some concepts of C behave differently in C++ 

Function in C++: Function review, how normally it is written in C++, inline function, Function call bypassing the default arguments, function call by passing const arguments, function overloading

Class and Object: defining the class and object, knowing the OOP concepts practically, private and public members of the class, and defining the member function inside and outside of class. Passing and returning data of different types to/from member function, Array and the pointer as a member of the class, private member function and nesting of the member function, Array of objects, Dynamic memory allocation for Objects, passing and returning the object to/from member function, static data members and static member function, friend functions, a pointer to class members, local classes

Constructors and Destructors: Need and use of constructors, rules of defining constructors, different types of constructors, default constructor, parameterized constructor, dynamic constructor, copy constructor, passing default argument to constructor, destructors

Operator Overloading: Why to overload the operator, rules for overloading the operator, defining the operator<op>() function, unary operator overloading, Binary operator overloading, Overloading both unary and binary operators using a friend

Inheritance: Definition of inheritance, syntax, the concept of base and derived class, different types of inheritances, single inheritance, multi-level inheritance, hierarchical inheritance, multiple inheritances, hybrid inheritance, using the protected visibility modifier, function overloading, and function overriding in inheritance, defining constructors in inheritance, Ambiguity error in inheritance, the solution to ambiguity error,  virtual base class, abstract class in C++, nesting of classes

Polymorphism: definition of polymorphism, types of polymorphism, pointer review, a pointer to object, this pointer, a pointer to the derived class, virtual and pure virtual function

Console and File IO in C++: Introduction standard library and different IO streams, different console and file operations

Templates: Introduction to templates, syntax, class templates, and function templates

Introduction: Algorithms as opposed to programs, Fundamental questions about algorithms, Data structures, abstract data types, design patterns, Textbooks, and web resources, Overview

Arrays, Iteration, Invariants: Arrays, Loops and Iteration, Invariants

Lists, Recursion, Stacks, Queues: Linked Lists, Recursion, Stacks, Queues, Doubly Linked Lists, Advantage of Abstract Data Types

Searching: Requirements for searching, Specification of the search problem, A simple algorithm: Linear Search, A more efficient algorithm: Binary Search

Efficiency and Complexity: Time versus space complexity, Worst versus average complexity, Concrete measures for performance, Big-O notation for complexity class, Formal definition of complexity classes

Trees: General specification of trees, Quad-trees, Binary trees, Primitive operations on binary trees, The height of a binary tree, The size of a binary tree, Implementation of trees, Recursive algorithms

Binary Search Trees: Searching with arrays or lists, Search keys, Binary search trees, Building binary search trees, Searching a binary search tree, Time complexity of insertion and search, Deleting nodes from a binary search tree, Checking a binary tree is a binary search tree, Sorting using binary search trees, Balancing binary search trees, Self-balancing AVL trees, B-trees.

Priority Queues and Heap Trees: Introduction, need, Trees stored in arrays, Priority queues and binary heap trees, Basic operations on binary heap trees, Inserting a heap tree node, Deleting a heap tree node, Building a new heap tree from start, Merging binary heap trees, Binomial heaps, Fibonacci heaps, Comparison of heap time complexities

Sorting: The problem of sorting, Common sorting strategies, How many comparisons must it take? Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Comparison of O(n2), sorting algorithms, Sorting algorithm stability, Tree sort, Heapsort, Divide and conquer algorithms, Quicksort, Merge sort, Summary of comparison-based sorting algorithms, Non-comparison-based sorts, Bin, Bucket, Radix Sorts

Hash Tables: Storing data, The Table abstract data type, Implementations of the table data structure, Hash Tables, Collision likelihoods and load factors for hash tables, A simple Hash Table in operation, Strategies for dealing with collisions, Linear Probing, Double Hashing, Choosing good hash functions, Complexity of hash tables

Graphs: Graph terminology, Implementing graphs, Relations between graphs, Planarity, Traversals – systematically visiting all vertices, Shortest paths – Dijkstra’s algorithm, Shortest paths – Floyd’s algorithm, Minimal spanning trees, Travelling Salesmen and Vehicle Routing

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My Review

This is an excellent Power BI training in Pune at Archer Infotech. It takes us through most of key features and shows how to build powerful visualizations. Resourceful course worth to invest
Sachin Kagwade
Data Analyst at Aditya Technologies
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